Wednesday 24 December 2014


D is the best answer. The question requires you to recognize which of
the choices is NOT
mentioned in the passage as a way in which senior managers use intuition.
The passage does not mention stipulating goals.

D is the best answer. The author asserts that the writers in question
"display a poor grasp of what
intuition is" (lines 21-22). The next paragraph presents a view that,
according to the author of the
passage, characterizes intuition more accurately than the writers on
management do. Isenberg's
research is specifically described as showing the ways in which
managers use intuition (lines
28-30). Therefore, what Isenberg correctly comprehends, and the
writers in question
misunderstand, is how managers use intuition, as this choice states.

C is the best answer. An "Aha! Experience" is said in lines 37-41 to
result from the synthesizing of
"isolated bits of data and practice into an integrated picture." This
choice is the best example of
this kind of process. The connecting of seemingly unrelated facts and
experiences mentioned in
the answer choice is equivalent to synthesizing "isolated bits of data
and practice," and the pattern
referred to is comparable to an "integrated picture."

D is the best answer. The question requires you to recognize which of
the choices is NOT
mentioned in the passage as a component of the classical model of
decision analysis. Only this
choice, "action undertaken in order to discover more information about
a problem," does not
appear in the passage.

C is the best answer. The question requires you to compare behavior
based on intuition with
behavior based on formal decision analysis. This choice specifies that
the manager who uses intuition incorporates action into the
decision-making process, but the manager who uses formal
analysis does not. This distinction is made in several places in the
passage. Lines 6-7 emphasize
that decision-making and action-taking are separate steps in formal
decision analysis: "making a
decision, and only then taking action." On the other hand, those who
use intuition "integrate action
into the process of thinking" (lines 15-16).Again, the author mentions
that in the intuitive style of
management, " 'thinking' is inseparable from acting" (lines 60-61),
and "action is often part of
defining the problem" (lines 80-81).

E is the best answer. The question requires you to identify a
statement that can be inferred from
information in the passage but is not explicitly stated. The author
asserts that intuitive managers
can "move rapidly to engender a plausible solution" (lines 53-54) and
that their intuition is based
on "experience that builds skill" (line 37). This implies that the
combination of skill and rapidity
enables mangers to employ their practical experience more efficiently,
as this choice states.

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