Wednesday 24 December 2014


Quiz: For each difficult word or phrase, circle the correct definition.

1. choreography of:
A) tear apart
B) confusing
C) ==> planning and coordination of
D) pays
E) illegally high nature

2. recites:
A) (after divorce)
B) level
C) ==> says
D) lower in value/insult
E) (sudden backward movement)

3. glibly:
A) ==> in an offensive way (because of joking comments that
should be serious)
B) (movement-related)
C) badly wants
D) (in a childlike way because of a lack of understanding)
E) upset

4. animosity:
A) attracted
B) stop
C) unreal
D) almost
E) ==> hatred

5. grandly:
A) wasteful
B) (information-giving numbers)
C) makes fun of
D) agreements
E) ==> impressively and beautifully

6. intelligentsia:
A) talked about
B) Nineteenth Amendment
C) famous person/famousness
D) question doesn't need an answer
E) ==> (smart people in general)

7. apoplectic:
A) ==> shaking and furious
B) announce her
C) confused
D) delays
E) two-part things

8. contextual:
A) hates
B) ==> (related to what's near the object or word being studied)
C) took away from him
D) boat dock
E) great care/delicious thing

9. nuance:
A) (heart swelling)
B) prejudiced mental picture is
C) (something that gives off something)
D) blessed
E) ==> detail

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