Monday 13 July 2015

GRE - Sentence Equivalence

1. But taking a bigger role in a vast and unprecedented cleanup may also be a political gamble for the President, especially if the government proves as unable as TEXON-the failing company- to ____________ the unending leaks of radioactive materials from the devastated plant.
A. Contain 
B. Peddle
C. Depict
D. Distort
E. Mirror
F. Restrain 
2. Tepco's leadership has been particularly ____________, critics say, since it remains enmeshed in the collusive ties between the government and the industry that many say made the plant vulnerable.
A. Worrisome
B. Justified
C. Warranted
D. Troublesome
E. Dearth
F. Famine
3. Although the advisers said the company was doing a good job cleaning up, other experts and some regulators have _____________ the company's ability to handle the highly complex decommissioning of reactors.
A. Praised
B. Accolade
C. Questioned 
D. Grilled
E. Recuperate
F. Recover
4.  The amounts of some radioactive materials, like cancer-causing strontium, flowing into the ocean are above safety limits, but experts say that given the size of the plant's previous releases, the new ones are relatively _____________.
A. Robust
B. Swarthy
C. Trivial
D. Inconsequential
E. Callous
F. Stout 
5. Indeed, the proposed ice wall is seen here as a symbol of both the daunting technological challenges posed by the cleanup, and the ________________— critics say desperation — for creative solutions as the plant, which already stores enough contaminated water to fill 160 Olympic-size swimming pools, is faced with having to store hundreds of more tons every day.
A. Need
B. Brevity
C. Conciseness
D. Necessity
E. Fearsome
F. Voluminous
6. The evidence of decline of fish is _______________ ;  unprecedented blooms of algae blanketed the estuary's northern reaches for months, killing vast number of fishes that are the essential components of the estuary ecosystem.
A. Tepid
B. Compelling 
C. Lukewarm
D. Penitential
E. Rueful
F. Undeniable
7. In 1979, the Ramones were recording at a studio with the producer Phil Spector, whose work with the Ronettes, the Righteous Brothers and the Beatles had earned him a reputation as both a musical genius and an ____________, combustible egomaniac.
A. Exacting
B. Edifice
C. Exemplar
D. Acerbic
E. Atrocious
F. Incendiary 
8. Although the scientists are renowned to be unerring species to the ordinary people-who hardly take effort to justify the fact they hear, they are hardly ______________.
A. Immoral
B. Rogue
C. Infallible
D. Fail-safe
E. Mistakable
F. Incorrect
9. Even though the critics publish voluminous reviews deriding the current system that is employed to find fault, they give anything but ___________solutions.
A. Convincing
B. Thoroughly
C. Warranted
D. Pragmatic
E. Trifling
F. Trivial
10. The exacting musician discouraged anything excessive, yet his followers had received with__________accolade written in play-card.
A. Euphoric
B. Fulsome
C. Enthusiastic
E. Bitting
F. Extraneous



If you read the full sentence, you will get sense of the sentence. Our prediction is to "STOP" the unending leaks of radioactive materials from the devastated plant.
Contain means restrain (Tricky one!)

2. A,D

Clue is the word "vulnerable' , so, prediction should be "not good".Worrisome and troublesome matches that.


The pivot word is "Although", So, some people think they are doing great job, others think they are not; so others would likely to doubt them. Questionedand Grilled are synonyms and matches our prediction.


Trigger word is "BUT", Cancer causing agents are in above safety level, but expert think they are not harmful enough. SO Trivial and Inconsequentialmatches that.


This is so long, but wait, you don't have to jump in the forest to get sense of this blank. "BOTH" is clue as well as "critic says desperation", we can predict that it was needed. Need and Necessity matches.

6.B, F

Fishes are killed, so decline of fishes are visible. COMPELLING means convincing, it works here. And Undeniable means : That cant be disagreed, it works too.


This is tricky one.   Exemplar and Exacting works here..


This is twisty, be careful for pivot word - Although, Hardly. WE can predict that scientist are hardly Unmistakable . INFALLIBLE and FAIL-SAFE works that.


Most trickiest one so far; answer choices are so tempting. Convincing,Warranted, Pragmatic all works here, but Convincing and Warranted are most synonymous. And mind it, thoroughly doesn't work grammatically..

10.B, F

Easy one! Clue is excessive; Fulsome means excessive too, Extraneous too.

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