- Rajarshi Som I am a reading engineer and I screwed up big time in QA despite 12 attempts in the section.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152997903861397&set=a.470726146396.267910.633851396&type=1&theaterRajarshi Somfeeling broken
One section screws up XAT for the second consecutive year. squint emoticon Last year, I screwed up DM; this year, it was QA.
No XLRI call for me. cry emoticon
- Rajarshi Som I guess XLRI wants applicants to have some traits from each of Thor, Sif, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Phil Coulson and Hawkeye each.
- Atul Kumar Jha no.not avg.. its the overall score. and thats y 96%iler manage the call while 99%iler dont.
- Rahul Singh Atul sir there is no normalization in XAT. I was getting 3.25 marks and in quant according to official key. i have got 54 percentile. Overall 87.
- Rishi Tekchandani That's not possible I think,I had around 5-6 marks in QA and have the same QA percentile as yours.
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Umm...There is a definite problem it seems.. I did all VA .40 minutes. Then I did all DM . 45inutes.. Then I slept because I have got fed up of XL interviews. 3 interviews . 2 converts in 2 years. So I had not filled up XL form this year. Hence I was not bothered about doing QA...
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed CAT was diff. I finished 44 questions of VALR in 45 minutes and had almost 2 hours of snooze time. Practically memorised almost the whole VALR section.. . QA I don't touch because I judged too easy . it was a hopeless paper for a person weak in QA.. I just could not compete with topper..it was so easy..
- Kumar Diwakar it seems like cat 13/prometric ,xat has also introduced accuracy factor those who have same scores with more negative marks got lesser percentie than those with less negative marks
- Karthik PK Tanveer: sir i have few questions to ask after going through your score cards and comments,
1. When one did not attempt any question in a section, presumably, one can afford more time to spend on less no of questions. So effectively he/she wont have time pressure.
2. Even after spending effectively more time on the mastered(if we are not wrong) section, why dint he/she could not score perfect 100.
3. When "a score card is an indicator of neither how good nor how bad u r at them", what is the purpose of posting score cards.
4.Also, when one who is fed up with interviews / who does not have intentions of taking up admission, what is the need to give the exam especially when the paper will be available to go through even after the exam. - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Karthik 1. I said I finished my sections in time bound manner. Else it is not worth it . Time management is the key . My break up for the XAT on seeing the paper VA 45 DM 40 QA 50 Reserve 5. That is the key to crack this exam. You violate it - Kiss XL goodbye..
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed 2. Because I am human . Because I give it only 45 minutes . My accuracy rate will only be 70 % . My effort is to simulate and replicate what my students should be doing in VARC in the XAT .. Performance in QA DI LR is up to them ... Waise Top 0.08% is not all that bad .. It means a majority of students I can help with VARC..
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed 3. The purpose of posting a score card is to show people that XAT is not as tough as it is billed to be for non - engineers from the Quant perspectve ..
- Atul Kumar Jha sir but you yourself said in this post
and now you are contradicitng that
" XAT is not as tough as it is billed to be for non - engineers from the Quant perspectve .. " - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed An engineer screws up XAT if he thinks he can crack it with ONLY QA as strenght .
A non engineer screws up XAT because of Quant phobia !
Upgrade your CR ... Atul .. - Atul Kumar Jha sir on the contrary QA is my strength and managed 12 calls this season with 0 VA skills. but same doesnt goes with non -engg , as evident from your post.
As for CR - i always choose to leave them in exams - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed 4. "take the exam " not "give the exam " .
The purpose behind taking the exam is to keep myself updated that all the Gyan I give - I can myself implement in the hall ... and understand the impact of a change in the exam .
For example when I was in college I would never be able to crack the XAT as it was so quant centric .. They would give 1 PNC situation and ask 10 questions from it ( 2002 )
The paper evolves and the Mentor should evolve along with it ..
Look at CAT 13 and CAT 14 .. No resemblance !!
Do you think same advice works for both types
Your mentor should walk the talk ..
Am looking forward to a 100 percentile from Indrajeet Singh in his first ever CAT ..
Unlikely to happen because he is so emotional .
To give a perspective my CLASS 10 / 12 .. Maths marks are 86/90
But Competitive QA is not Maths!! - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Atul - You wont do Quadratics in office unless say FIN
Every MBA will do CR in office .. - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Atul Inbox it . If you have ZERO VA skills then you cant read QADILR .. Braille system se paper diya tha?
- Indrajeet Singh " Unlikely to happen bcoz he is so emotional"
Explain for 5 marks Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed sir - Atul Kumar Jha IIM A,B, C >90% engg. thanks to changed criteria of A that non eng can now manage even at 96%
Sorry cant inbox or post my score card to prove a point
And VA has got LR too. 18 LRs, and few intution based RC.
We all have got elementary english knowledge to read QALRDI .
you took my 0 VA skill way too seriously. it was for
UPGRADE YOUR CR (RC ....) - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed You are the one who said Zero VA Skills . I assumed you were not lying . And I only believe in evidence - not claims Atul KJ
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Indrajeet Singh
CAT is about
Decision Making
Time Management
Stress Management
QA is just 20% of the paper
I see rock star students every year in class . They solve sums in split seconds .
Freeze in the hall . Come back with 90 -95 - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Work on the 4 qualities mentioned . You have phenomenal potential . But needs to be complemented by EQ..
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed And change your company . They dont add to you . They sap you. . Understand that fast.
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Due to my interaction and tracking your interaction with your friends last year .. You can work with followers who adore you but not equals who can challenge you Work on that
- Indrajeet Singh Sir seems you lack judgemental quality we never interacted in a year as i was in your blocklist since Modi became PM.
- Abhinav Ranjan Kanth Arey kaun kitna percentile laayega, ye waqt btayega. Koi insaan ya mentor nahi.
Isliye chill maariye sir and everybody do your own job. - Abhinav Ranjan Kanth One more advice from my side then:
Never advise if not sought for.
(How ironical.!) - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed I blocked you because you kept commenting unsolicited on every post of mine . I blocked you after multiple warnings . . Your behaviour got you blocked . Not Modi . My best friend is a Modi fan
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Abhinav - Then all CAT coaching would stop . Most of our advice is voluntarily given . Because students have no idea what they need
- Indrajeet Singh No no i was just cheering up on his win and you blocked some 20-30 modi fans that day. How amazing that these many people started behavin unsolicited
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Mentors cannot keep grudges . But they cant afford to get distracted by Juvenile behaviour.
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Indrajeet Singh - Name 10 people I blocked . Walk the talk . I blocked you way before Modi won ..
- Abhinav Ranjan Kanth Students enrol for a CAT coaching (read "they seek for" ) and then coaching helps.
Yahan to usne poocha hi nahi aur aapne percentile predict kar diya. - Indrajeet Singh Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed that was one ironical comment.
If there were no grudges you wouldn't have commented that day that" we have got old scores to settle with" - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed That was an inbox comment Regarding VA QA . Would you like me to copy paste the rest of the conversation here .. Will not be nice for your fans Be and let be . Do not quote out of context
- Indrajeet Singh Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed sir me Indrajeet Singh Sumit MishraMayank Sharma Kumar Anshul are few Names i could recall from my friend list 'only' there must be an integral multiple of it.
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Abhinav - WE will have this conversation at the end of this year . I hope and pray that Indrajeet Singh proves me wrong ... But sadly in my heart of hearts I know he will not .. HE is unlikely to go to ABC unless he reforms himself . Trust me I have mentored many Indrajeets in my time ... CAT is a lifestyle exam ..!
- Atul Kumar Jha Woow indrajeet someone badly doesnt wants to see you in ABC. you were right you have earned lot of haters
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Sumit ka toh haal jaante hi ho
Mayank was a different day different issue -
Kumar Anshul - I do not remember
Yaar - if I went blocking all MODI fans tab toh mera 5k list kaafi shrink ho gya hota .
I only block people who I feel are adding negative value to me .. and wasting my time .. I do not trouble you . you dont trouble me is the philosophy .. You kept commenting after being requested not to do so .. - Indrajeet Singh You only block those who can give you back a pumping reply. You won't block those who will accept everything you say..
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed I am perfectly ok people debating acads with me . Like this thread . But if I tell you - Stay Away - Stay away - I deserve that respect . My time is valuable ...
- Indrajeet Singh You dint notice Atul Kumar Jha jhas comment which used "doesn't wants" snd still he has calls from IIMs.. And you dont
- Abhinav Ranjan Kanth Yes, so valuable that you are busy commenting here.
Go and do value-addition stuffs for the students who have enrolled for your course.
Value your time,Sir. (Walk the talk) - Abhinav Ranjan Kanth See, before any misconception seeps in, let me clear this.
I am not someone who mocks mentors but mentors are those who mentor and promote their students,not themselves (you can draw parallels).
Sir,it would be better if you could conduct sessions more frequently on this group. If you are not able to, then don't post here just to get students. Earn the students, do not steal them.
Hope you got my point, peace.
Bye. - Anurag Singh Chauhan Bahut der se mai aap logo ke comment pad raha hu ....finally ek baat kahunga ..
Ki guru to guru hota h ...unki respect krni chahiye ....unki baat ko jyada hi seriously le liya gaya .....so close the discussion ....plzz - Atul Kumar Jha and tanveer sir same goes for you. unless not asked please dont ADVISE. UPGRADE YOUR RC, CR.. etc
Your VA knowledge is undoubtedly very good. But please dont try to give your unsolicited advice unless sought for. There are 5+ mentors at least in this group. And there is certainly a lot of difference the way you mentor ( full of pride and boast) . Please dont disrespect others by questioning their knowledge level. Maintain the decency which is expected from a mentor.
sorry its harsh but thats what i feel. - Kuch Kuch Aata Hai i suggest. everyone should post their scorecards and we can then have a debate...or wotever this is...
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Indrajeet Singh Open Challenge. Beat me on overall percentile in CAT 2015. What say
- Kuch Kuch Aata Hai after being there in both the groups and closely following since the past 1 year. i think everyone should be allowed to do their own thing vdout judging each other...coz eventually it is a group...opinions differ...but the overall outcome should be SUCCESS...and an aspirant vl b successful only if he is focussed and hardworking.
- Sukritya Vardhan Respected sir,I've heard a lot abt yiur Va.U might be the best but With the kind of deeds u are up to,Ur reputation will suffer.U are giving challenges n things.I mean it was outta nowhere.You want debates on everything,is tht the fact?
- Kuch Kuch Aata Hai Indrajeet bhai waise if u are mentoring people for qa...u shud take up the challenge...however it should be ua qa percentile and tia sir's va percentile
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Overall 85. I just need to study for 15 more. Normally I am lazy. This is going to be good motivation for me.
- Indrajeet Singh A va mentor getting 99.5 isnt amusing.
A Qa mentor got 100 in va is amusing. Named scrabbler - Kuch Kuch Aata Hai Indrajeet Singh bhai wo alag prajaati h...one in a million..he has done it many times
aap dono btao ..done?
it will be exciting for aspirants - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Kuch Kuch. Stakes will be overall percentile. If I want I can beat Indrajeet in QA . Can he beat me in VA ? That is the challenge. Apne area mein to har koi sher Hota hai:)
- Kuch Kuch Aata Hai Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed sir...jyaada ni ho gya...??
it will b challenging and exciting for both of u...an overall learning experience.
Indrajeet Singh bhai bol? - Indrajeet Singh Ni bhai tune dekha ni sir Said he can beat me even in QA.. He's god. Maine haar maan li. Ab band karo bakchodi.
- Kuch Kuch Aata Hai arre haan bol de na...
ya toh it should be OA
or strength of each individual,qa for you and va for tia sir - Ankan Sengupta Indrajeet Singh bhai I've talked to Scrabbler sir myself. please don't compare him with others. .He is way too good even for VA mentors.
- Indrajeet Singh Sir maine to abhi engineering bii pass ni ki.. Never took cat.. . While u are an expert who ve been taking Cat for decades.
. Mera aapse kesa muqabla sir.
Apne barabar walo ka challenge accept kia jata h. - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed You are one of the finest QA guys I know Indrajeet Singh .. The competition would have helped aspirants thats alll..
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed And my motive for poking you is to force you to focus on non QA as well .. That is all . That is all a mentor needs to do ...
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed CAT has nothing to do with decades It is a fresh battle every year .. If anything age is a liability ... But then you make up for it in tactics ..
- Garima Singh People, we are not here to showoff what we have achieved or what we got........each and every person has some USP of his own, so dont judge. You both are intelligent Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed and Inderjeet Singh in some or the other way and remember the :THE IDEA OF DEFEATING SOMEONE WILL HAMPER YOUR POTENTIALS COZ ONCE YOU DEFEAT SOMEONE YOU ARE LEFT WITH NOTHING TO DO" ......
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Yes Sir. No arguments there. Was attacking the quant phobia factor of XAT and the reading phobia of Engineers.
- Adishankar Mishra Okay, i've all the comments here and there is a serious lack of perspective.
A VA mentor challenging a first time cat aspirant who hasn't yet completed his engineering.
Sir, with all due respect you probably think Indrajeet Singh won't bell the CAT, maybe he will maybe he won't. There is a very strong reason behind a "pack of wolves attacking you". Indrajeet has helped many aspirants in QA. Here is a guy who in spite of being an aspirant himself takes his valuable time out and helps others, while others flaunt their score sheets and try to attract students.
I hope you make it to A,B or C Indrajeet.
Peace Out. - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Adishankar Mishra - What is my duty towards an aspirant ?
Pat him on the back ?
Or provoke him to do better in the areas he lacks ..
Lots of aspirants take the help of Indrajeet Singh
But does anybody help him ??
That is the fundamental Question! - Adishankar Mishra So, what exactly are you asking him to do? Stop running the group? Stop helping people? Or maybe stop mingling with lesser mortals.
He is helping US all.
He may stop whenever he wants to. - Kumar Diwakar woh scrabbler sir ..is QA faculty at IMS Thane...moreover he is already IIMC passout ..means he had prepared for cat...
- Avni Kashyap I am saving the link of this post ill myself re-post it afterIndrajeet Singh defies all your conceptions after cat15 results.. and of many more haters that he has gained after three years of helping aspirants day in and day out..
- Avni Kashyap well i have been seeing him for 2 years now and he has definitely been helping even before that..
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed I have saved it too Avni Kashyap. Nobody happier if he proves me wrong . But unfortunately - blind worship never helped anyone..
- Maruti Pandey kya sir mere se bhi tax lenge m a poor guy
free main entertainment chahiye
pehle Sumit Mishra sir karva dete the ab unhone mujhe unfriend kar diya hai - Indrajeet Singh You shouldn't have called it blind worship sir.
You outta nowhere started challenging me when argument was going on between you and atul. And your old score settling comment. You cant get a 100 comment...as if claimed somewhere of getting so. It definitely doesn't show your care for me . ...See More - Indrajeet Singh Maruti Pandey plz dont bring respected amiya sir here. He belongs to a different level. Delete it
- Maruti Pandey Indrajeet Singh I need to settle scores with Amiya Kumarsir.....
bahut bhari nuksan hua hai mera - Rishabh Kapur Indrajeet Singh i have heard u talk a lot abt marks and stuff..how is it tat u nevr give an exam or even if u do nevr share ur scores..whr do u have calls frm? i wd rly like to knw..
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Indrajeet Singh - IF the argument was between Atul and I - where did your posts pop up from in between ? You got it because you asked for it . Read the full thread again .. I am sorry if I hurt your sentiments .. Who boasted ? Have you read my pos...See More
- Indrajeet Singh Sir look again and see why the hell you did you start challenging me. As i never said anything demeaning about u or ur intelligence. Plz get matured asap
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Indrajeet Singh You are among the best in QA.. I want you to match the rest . That is all.
- Indrajeet Singh No that's clearly not the reason. If you have something odd against me. Clear it out.
- Rishabh Kapur kyun? bata de naa...i have been following ur posts fr mre than 1.5 years..kabhi toh tune exam diya hoga..yaa aise hei..
- Indrajeet Singh Yes that 1.5 years when i was 3rd year. And now m in final year. And planned to take cat 15. And everyone of my friend knows it except few.
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Indrajeet Singh You are insignificant for me . I only see you as an awesome QA guy.. That is all .. There is a potential for 100 percentile .. That is all ..
- Indrajeet Singh If i were that insignificant i wouldn't have been tagged so many times even that day on hina goyals post and even today
Why you wanna compete with 10-15 years young guy. There is no competition. You are certainly more experienced but less matured. - Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Avni Kashyap We have chatted a dozen times at least ? When you needed VA advice . Did you ever find me disrespectful to you .. in any way .. You do not know the dynamics between me Indrajeet Singh .. Just let it go kid .. There is something happening here - you are too young to understand .. We will laugh over it after a few years .. Till then just keep the faith .. Rock those calls
- Rishabh Kapur chod yaar..wat cn i say..i feel its a lil hypocritical of u to talk to ur seniors/elders (tanveer sir) like he's sme 12th class kid..n agar teko maths itna hei pasand hai toh v y ru charging ppl here wen u say u want to do smthng nice by teaching quant...huh
- Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Indrajeet Singh I dont want to compete .. I want to improve your level .. Are you looking at the English you are writing ?? You are improving my case .. Work hard .. Crack the CAT..
- Rishabh Kapur n aisa bhi koi pahad nahi hai quant in cat...i used to score 85 pc in mocks in quant bt wt a lil practc i got 99.2 in my real exam..so i guess if i cd do it, any1 can..bhagwaan maaat ban
- Indrajeet Singh Rishabh Kapur ok so what you want from me is i shouldn't give personal assistance those who have been demanding since months ?!
And if i give my time to them fo free?? Muje samajh gya rakha h ?? - Rishabh Kapur toh maaat de naa..if u feel you have to go out f ur way to help others, toh bttr use that tym prepaing urself fr CAT..tujhe paise bhi kamane hain n god bhi banna hai..dono toh ab nahi ho sakta naa
- Indrajeet Singh Lol Rishabh Kapur nowhere i claimed i know any good
Seems like u dint follow post above.. Who came in challenging me. - Maruti Pandey Indrajeet Singh same question just replace MUjhe withTanveer sir !!
when you can charge they why should he not do it !! - Indrajeet Singh This post is unmasking many people out here. A clear reason why shouldn't ve been doing everything for free.
- Indrajeet Singh This post is unmasking many people out here. A clear reason why shouldn't ve been doing everything for free.
- Rishabh Kapur dude i feel just cz u dint wana sit fr placements n wrk hard like othr ppl did, u have started charging ppl all f a sudden..i really feel bad abt all this n mreover tu itne saare bachon ka future apne haath mein lega, f thy dont do well, thy wl abuse u...See More
- Indrajeet Singh Rishabh Kapur for ur kind info m already placed. Jab bc kuch pta ni to kyu bolne aa rha h.
- Indrajeet Singh Rishabh Kapur clearly tuje mujse problem hai not the future of people around here Says the question "why shortcut".
- Maruti Pandey Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed haan bilkkul lekin I will have salad with low fat sauces only dieting par hun
- Maruti Pandey kya karun na mujhe QA aati hai na mujhe VA aati hai
bakchodi aati hai bas
Amiya Kumar sir ne sikhayi hai wo bhi - Avni Kashyap Rishabh Kapur there is nobody on the group hu doesnot know he is a fresher.. so they are taking their own decisions.. he isnt forcing anybody .. and there is smth called 'entrepreneurship' which is no shortcut for sure.. there is a lot at stake
anyways.. Indrajeet Singh peace yarr.. we will be here on the same post next year.. lets chuck it for now..
Avni Kashyap Rishabh Kapur there is nobody on the group hu doesnot know he is a fresher.. so they are taking their own decisions.. he isnt forcing anybody .. and there is smth called 'entrepreneurship' which is no shortcut for sure.. there is a lot at stake
ReplyDeleteanyways.. Indrajeet Singh peace yarr.. we will be here on the same post next year.. lets chuck it for now..
22 mins · Unlike · 3
Indrajeet Singh I cant event count how many Jealously fellows i ve earned. Feels good
20 mins · Edited · Like · 5
Jaspreet Singh
21 mins · Like · 1
Jaspreet Singh English sahi kr sale pehle apni Indrajeet Singh
20 mins · Like · 1
Avni Kashyap ^ tujhe sahi krti hu abhi maze mat le shant krne de
20 mins · Unlike · 3
Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed Jaspreet Singh - Paarliamentary Language !!
20 mins · Like · 1
Tanveer Iqbal Ahmed
19 mins · Like · 1
Avni Kashyap Maruti Pandey m so sorry
19 mins · Like · 1
Maruti Pandey Avni Kashyap koi nahi aagey se mat karna
Waise kis liye
18 mins · Like
Jaspreet Singh Avni Kashyap : mre peeche hi padi rha kr tu hamesha tu. *makes innocent face*
17 mins · Like · 1
Avni Kashyap i probably wasted ur popcorn and pepsi
17 mins · Like · 1
Bijit Saha
firki le raha hai sabaye
wrong number
15 mins · Like
Maruti Pandey Avni Kashyap yes !! u did ...
I still need 4 hours of bakchodi . but m sure abhi to bakchodi shuru hui hai
now you should do something for it
14 mins · Like
Adishankar Mishra If you're good at something never ever do it for FREE.
HE is good wait exceptional at QA, he's at peace with himself. If he doesn't bell the CAT because of his deficiencies in VA, he'll pick himself up and try again. But for now please stop going all j...See More
14 mins · Like · 4
Indrajeet Singh Not too many. Only two
13 mins · Like · 2
12 mins · Like · 1
Adishankar Mishra ^ Let this thread continue this way for some more days. You'll get many more.
11 mins · Like · 1
Bijit Saha Aap sir log pls paise ke badle me myntra jabong paytm shoppers stop ka points bhi rakkho na..asani hogi bahut
10 mins · Like · 2
Kunal Kaushik Verma Music Label: T-Series
Sawan Aaya Hai Lyrics...See More