Monday, 30 May 2016

PJ Session

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:38:08 GMTGood Morning Folks

neelam - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:39:38 GMTGM

shobhit - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:41:55 GMTGood morning sir

Sunil - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:42:21 GMTGood morning sir

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:42:29 GMTDONT COMMENT HERE

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:42:36 GMTcOMENT ON THE PUBLIC GROUP

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:42:39 GMToops

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:42:42 GMTorry for the caps

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:42:45 GMT"57. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. Teams focus on controlling
pain, nausea and other side effects; they also address patients'
worries and make sure they have help with making meals, dressing and
bathing when not hospitalized. B. Palliative care typically begins
with a long conversation about what the patient with a terminal
diagnosis wants out of his remaining life. C. Hospice care is
intensive palliative care including home nursing, but insurers usually
cover it only if the patient abandons medical treatment. D. It
includes the options any oncologist addresses: surgery, chemotherapy
and radiation and their side effects. E. But it also includes how much
suffering a patient wishes to bear, effects on the family, and legal,
insurance and religious issues. (a) BDEAC (b) CDEAB (c) BCDEA (d)

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:49:20 GMT:(

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:49:28 GMTNot a single correct answer yet

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:49:42 GMTunless my content developer messed
up the OAs

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:49:44 GMTemme read

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:49:48 GMTlemme

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:54:18 GMT"57. (a) Statement B begins the
discussion on palliative care. Statements D and E take the idea
further by describing what it includes. We can therefore narrow down
options to (a) and (c). They differ only with regard to the placement
of statement C. Statement C describes 'Hospice care', or intensive
palliative care which might include completely abandoning medical
treatment. Therefore, it cannot be put together with statements D,E
and A as they clearly include medical care."

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:54:29 GMTagree ?

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:54:39 GMTyou can comment here if any query

Rahul Shukla - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:55:37 GMTC

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:56:36 GMT"58. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. From the moment he arrived
there its citizens resented him and his Martians and his youth and his
talent. B. Hollywood claimed Welles never would make the grade. C. At
announcements that his first two productions had been called off, the
town nodded knowingly. D. He was just a big bag of publicity. E. When
he grew a beard for his first film, a sporty press agent sent him a
bearded ham for Christmas; columnists dubbed him with nicknames like
"Little Orson Annie." (a) BDAEC (b) CBEAD (c) EABDC (d) BAECD"

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:56:45 GMT"59. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. That's something Al Hirschfeld
did so beautifully, especially as his artwork changed during different
phases. B. The more spare it was, I found, the more moved I was. C. I
fight when people ask me to put color in a picture. D. A line with a
hand at the end of it can give you just enough to envision an arm. E.
I love color, but I'm more intrigued by the relationship between black
and white and space. (a) CEDBA (b) CEABD (c) ABCDE (d) DCEBA"

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:56:51 GMT"60. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. The best way to undermine the
traffickers is to tackle demand for their product. B. There has been
no significant increase in drug use, while take-up of treatments has
increased and health has improved. C. Portugal, where drug use was
decriminalised nearly 10 years ago, is showing the way. D. Its
evidence suggests the most persuasive argument against changing policy
– that it would increase the numbers abusing drugs – is baseless. E.
And as part of holistic policy that has to tackle well-being more
widely, decriminalising individual drug use would be a good start .
(a) ECDBA (b) ADCEB (c) AECDB (d) CDBAE"

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:56:56 GMT"21. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. The species, which are most
numerous in individuals, will have the best chance of producing
variations within any given period. B. Hence any rare species will be
less quickly modified or improved within any given period, and they
will be consequently beaten in the race for life by the modified
descendants of the commoner species. C. From these considerations I
think it inevitably follows, that as new species in the course of time
are formed others will become rare and finally extinct. D. We have
evidence of this in the fact that it is the more common species that
afford the greatest number of varieties, or incipient species. E.
Extinction or survival, therefore, is a function of a parameter that
is totally beyond the control of the species. (a) ABCDE (b) ADBCE (c)

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 02:57:03 GMT"30. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. The good news is that a major
deficiency in rainfall, as had happened last year, is an extremely
remote possibility. B. Two crucial indicators, the El Nino, caused by
difference in sea surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean, and the
Indian Ocean Dipole, are both moving in a direction that is positive
for a good monsoon. C. The first long-range forecast for the rainfall
during the four-month period of July- September indicates rain around
the end of this month. D. It is still very early days for a monsoon
forecast for this season but at least the available signs as of now
are all pointing in the right direction. E. Even the persistent &
sustained heat is the past few days over most of central and Northern
India is likely to help in good rainfall. (a) ADBCE (b) DABCE (c)

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:00:39 GMTposted all questions on public group

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:05:10 GMTDone?

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:05:26 GMT?

neelam - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:05:26 GMT5 min

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:05:31 GMTwokay

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:05:35 GMTlocking again

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:09:09 GMT"58. (d) The crucial link to solve
this parajumble is the pair (BA). Statement B is clearly the opening
sentence as it introduces both the person (Welles) as well as the
place (Hollywood). That leaves us with options (a) and (d). Statement
A should come after statement B as it begins the narrative "From the
moment he arrived there". Therefore, BAECD is the correct order."

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:09:20 GMT"59. (b) Statements (C-E) and
(A-B) form mandatory pairs. Statements C and E describe the author's
opinion on the use of colour. Statements A and B talk about Al
Hirschfeld and his artwork. Statement D should come after statements
(A-B) as it gives an example of the 'spare' artwork mentioned in B."

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:09:27 GMT60. (c) Statements (A-E) outline
the objective – tackling demand for drugs. Statements C, D and B
describe the example of Portugal where drug use has been

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:09:36 GMT21. (b) The entire paragraph talks
about how extinction occurs. Statements A, D and B all discuss how the
commoner species quickly overpower the more rare ones. Statements E
and C are conclusions based on these statements. Mandatory pairs would
be (A-D) and (B-C).

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:09:44 GMT"30. (b) The paragraph follows the
pattern of assertions, which are then followed by data to support
them. D is clearly the opening statement. A should follow as it again
adds to the idea. Although 'it is still early to forecast' in D
followed by 'The good news is that a major deficiency is unlikely' in
A. Statements B, C and E follow in that order as they demonstrate why
these assertions were made."

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:12:52 GMTok

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:12:57 GMTdoubts queries?

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:13:41 GMT?

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:17:25 GMT"51. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. The recent communal violence in
Hyderabad and in Bareilly a month ago has remained on the sidelines of
national attention. B. In both cities, the present round of violence
was preceded by mobilisations and speeches, primarily by Hindu
fundamentalist groups. C. Fortunately, there was no death in the
violence in Bareilly, while in Hyderabad only three people were
killed. D. Yet, the scale, planning and causes behind the riots
indicate a certain change in the morphology of the typical riot, a
change which needs to be identified and understood if we want to keep
religious sectarianism and violence in check. E. Communal violence has
become so endemic to the polity of India that it has ceased to attract
much attention outside its immediate area of impact, or unless it
crosses very high levels of fatality and barbarity. (a) EACDB (b)

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:18:17 GMT"52. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. That too was historic. B. The
word that immediately rolled off of every tongue after the
presidential election was "historic"; and rightly so. C. It would have
been unimaginable forty years ago. D. The fact that the country has
become civilized enough to accept this outcome is a considerable
tribute to the activism of the 1960s and its aftermath. E. The two
candidates in the Democratic primary were a woman and an
African-American. (a) BCDAE (b) BCDEA (c) BEDAC (d) BEACD"

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:18:54 GMT"53. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. The revolution began as an
attack on despotism. B. Already by 1762 Rousseau was implying in his
"Social Contract" that there was no meaningful difference between the
authority of a despot and that of a monarch C. As usual, regular usage
soon diluted the original rigor of the expression's meaning. D.
Montesquieu has defined its spirit as "The rule of one, according to
no law". E. Obeying no law, authority was arbitrary and its animating
spirit was fear. (a) ABDCE (b) AEDCB (c) ADECB (d) ADEBC"

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:19:05 GMT"54. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. Some think the limits of body
i.e. surface; line, point, and unit are substances more so than body
or the solid. B. Substance is thought to belong most obviously to
bodies. C. But whether these alone are substances, or there are also
others, or only some of these, or others as well, or none of these but
only some other things, are substances, must be considered. D. Even
things that are either parts of these or composed of these, eg. the
physical universe and its parts, stars, moon and sun are considered
substances. E. So we say that not only animals and plants and their
parts are substances, but also natural bodies such as fire and water
and earth and everything of the sort. (a) BADCE (b) ABEDC (c) BEADC
(d) BEDCA"

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:19:42 GMT"55. Five sentences are given
below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical
order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options,
choose the most appropriate option. A. As it expanded, it would have
borrowed energy from the gravitational field, to create matter. B. The
universe expanded and borrowed at an ever-increasing rate. C.
Fortunately, the debt of gravitational energy will not have to be
repaid until the end of the universe. D. According to the no boundary
proposal, the universe would have expanded in a smooth way from a
single point. E. As any economist could have predicted, the result of
all that borrowing, was inflation. (a) DAEBC (b)DABCE (c) CDAEB (d)

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:19:53 GMTpls solve

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:20:07 GMTam off to listen to Dil Chahta Hai

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:34:22 GMT"51. (a) The essential clue to
solving this lies in the pair of D-B. Statement D starts with 'yet'.
It brings out the contrast that although the casualties in these riots
were few 'planning and causes behind the riots indicate a certain
change' B then goes into the causes and planning 'the present round of
violence was preceded by mobilisations and speeches'. No other option
has this combination"

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:34:29 GMT52. (d) Statement B is the
starting sentence and it talks about the presidential election being
'historic'. Sentence A also talks about something else being historic.
Clearly here the precedent for the statement A has to be E (the fact
that out of the two democratic candidates one was a woman and one an
African American). CD has to come after this as it describes the
possible causes of this outcome.

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:34:36 GMT"53. (c) The paragraph begins with
statement A. Statements D and E discuss the definition and hence have
to come together. Similarly, B describes the idea which begins in C.
The 'dilution' in C is followed by B which gives an example of this
dilution. 'Already by 1762……… there was no meaningful difference
between the authority of a despot and that of a monarch'"

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:34:41 GMT"54. (d) The paragraph has B-E as
the mandatory pair. B introduces the term "bodies" E discusses in
detail all things that can be classified as bodies. C must come before
A as it changes the track of the paragraph in the direction of A,
which discuses the idea of "limits of body". Only option (d) has both
B-E as a mandatory pair and C-A in proper alignment."

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:34:47 GMT55. (a) The crucial link here is
A-E. The 'all that borrowing' in E is a reference to A . Statement C
brings in a new pointthe fact that the debt of gravitational energy
will not have to be repaid. This has to come after the 'debt' has been
established. If we combine these two, the only possible choice is
option (a).

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:35:02 GMTand now off to listen to Lagaan !

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:35:10 GMTMajor nostalga trip

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:35:19 GMTfirst year of job

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:35:29 GMTspen exploring delhi

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:35:32 GMTspent

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:37:58 GMTany doubts pls tag me on the
Public group questin

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:40:58 GMTThats al for today

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:41:08 GMTVARC folks will see you on the FB chat

VARC - Tue, 31 May 2016 03:41:14 GMTat 9:30 am

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