Monday 27 July 2020


GMAT/CAT/GRE  VA PREP - One to One Mentorship online - Whatsapp 09674548313. CONTACT NOW!!


B is incorrect as it should be ‘structure to that of the traditional’
Remember, here the scholar compares the structures of the
novel and the traditional five-act play. All the other sentences
are grammatically correct.

2- 4

Only E is incorrect, it should be ‘at’ instead of ‘on’, before ‘100
degrees’ as we are referring to a specific temperature.

3 - 5

All the given sentences are grammatically correct.

4 - 1

Animal cry’ in A gives the hint. So, AH is the correct match. In
B, ‘roar’ matches clearly with ‘bellowing with rage’ CF and DE
form the correct pair. So (1) is correct.

5 - 5

‘Ethyl ether’ in A matches clearly with ‘Ethereal solution’ in G.
According to the given choices ‘light’ matches with poetry
writing styles as mentioned in E. ‘Heavenly’ is used with ‘beauty’
so CF is correct. ‘Refined’ aptly matches with H. So (5) is the
correct option.

6 - 3

DH and CF are obvious pairs so option (1), (2) and (5) are
eliminated. In A ‘assail’ would ‘mean to deliver violent blows’. In
B, the meaning ‘to offer something persistently to’ is reflected
in sentence E. So (3) is the correct option.

7 - 5

‘Gross ways’ in E matches with the meaning provided in B. BE
is the correct choice. We eliminate options (1) and (2). AH
clearly forms a pair. If we replace ‘gross sales’ with ‘total
sales’, then too the sentence makes clear sense. ‘Refinement’,
as used in E, clearly suggests lack of refinement in a person’s
character. ‘Objectionable or offensive’ can describe the
person’s attire. On the basis of this we can eliminate even
option (4).


Statements 1 & 4 are verifiable and hence facts. Statements 2
and 3 are personal opinions / judgments.

9 - 5

Statements 3 & 4 are clearly facts since they are verifiable.
Statement 1 is a judgment since ‘Reddys being on the
defensive’ could be the writer’s perspective . Statement 2 is
an inference since it bases itself on the report—— it is a
conclusion based on the facts of the report.

10 - 3

Statements 1 & 3 are facts. Statement 2 is an opinion expressing
approval and hence a judgment. Statement 4 is an inference –
a conclusion about the unknown based on the reasoning
offered in the statement.

11 - 5

Option (1) seems like a repetition of the idea in the last
sentence. Option (2) is vague. Option (3) starts off on a
different track –organized religion. Option (4) talks about man’s
flow being governed by natural laws whereas the paragraph
denies the existence of any rule. Option (5) carries forward
the theme of the paragraph and states a conclusion about the
existentialist which is drawn from the paragraph.

12- 5

In the beginning, the paragraph deals with something that is
not complex, then it moves on to describe a complex process.
Option (5) continues this idea. It talks about the behaviour of
the nonlinear system. Options (1), (2), (3) and (4) are general
in nature and do not specifically continue the idea left off in
the last line of the paragraph.

13 - 4

Option (4) effectively follows what is being stated in the
paragraph because it provides further example of how people
prefer to watch reality movies and appreciate them more
especially in a situation where their real lives do not contain
much of actuality.

GMAT/CAT/GRE  VA PREP - One to One Mentorship online - Whatsapp 09674548313. CONTACT NOW!!

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