Saturday 1 November 2014

16 A

 1. genocidal:
     A)  toward the rear:
     B)  tiny organisms
     C)  stressfully and terribly
     D)  behavior that shows no self-control
     E)  mass-murdering

 2. malignancy:
     A)  (made as big as possible)
     B)  harmful thing/cancer
     C)  sickens and disgusts me
     D)  fight
     E)  farmland

 3. politic:
     A)  making itself visible
     B)  (using common sense)
     C)  blaming
     D)  lord
     E)  flowers

 4. diagnostician:
     A)  insert (into something else)
     B)  the middle-point
     C)  extremely sad
     D)  wrinkled old women
     E)  person who figures out the problem with someone's health

 5. credibly:
     A)  believably
     B)  states (strongly)
     C)  (unlike any other thing in the world)
     D)  (without a clear melody)
     E)  dummies

 6. culpability:
     A)  worthiness of blame
     B)  (giving friends really good jobs)
     C)  accuses (of a crime)
     D)  (nothing can get through)
     E)  bets

 7. inferred:
     A)  (complete love and obedience to a wife)
     B)  a very low value
     C)  retired people
     D)  guessed (based on what was known)
     E)  watered down

 8. slipshod:
     A)  force her will
     B)  blood-red
     C)  careless
     D)  (planning something sneaky)
     E)  mucus

 9. rationalise:
     A)  expect
     B)  short and rude
     C)  (ready for action)
     D)  making unhappy (because of not having a vote)
     E)  (give reasons for something)

 10. reposed:
     A)  increasing
     B)  diseases show themselves
     C)  rested
     D)  backup plan
     E)  (huge fan)

 11. singularly:
     A)  clear and obvious
     B)  upsetting
     C)  surprisingly
     D)  fun times
     E)  fully used (for profit)

 12. unmoved by:
     A)  badly injuring
     B)  see
     C)  emotionally unchanged by
     D)  (someone who dislikes law and order)
     E)  (filled with TV radio Internet etc)

 13. exorcise:
     A)  rhyme (song)
     B)  had only
     C)  remove/destroy
     D)  sadness
     E)  yells at

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