Wednesday 26 November 2014

XAT Prep - VA

1. credulous (adj.):
That may be measured, counted, or weighed.
Easily deceived.
2. ceremonious (adj.):
Worn and gaunt in appearance.
Of or pertaining to the city of Paris.
Observant of ritual.
3. injunction (n.):
A heading, as of a chapter, section, document, etc.
4. gibe (v.):
To consider thoughtfully.
To utter taunts or reproaches.
To add or attach, as something accessory, subordinate, or supplementary.
To own.
5. leisure (n.):
A series of tables giving the days of the week together with
certainastronomical information.
The act of persuading.
Spare time.
Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison,
disease, or thelike.
6. inanimate (adj.):
Capable of being made perfect.
Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind.
Destitute of animal life.
7. incompetence (n.):
A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright
red pupil andusually pink iris.
Lawless control of public affairs by the mob or populace.
General lack of capacity or fitness.
A Christian who denies the authority of the Pope and holds the
right ofspecial judgment.
8. expense (n.):
A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts.
The laying out or expending or money or other resources, as time
or strength.
A weight hung on a rod, serving by its oscillation to regulate
the rate of aclock.
9. perforate (v.):
To overcome by force of will.
To expurgate in editing (a literary composition) by omitting
words orpassages.
To make a hole or holes through.
To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects.
10. conjugal (adj.):
Situated or occurring below the surface of the earth.
Pertaining to marriage, marital rights, or married persons.
Unsuited to the wearer, place, or surroundings.

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