Monday 24 November 2014

Start GDEI Prep NOW!

The Key to the IIMs!

ESSAY TOPICS at the IIMs in 2013


Vegetarianism is the answer to all our health problems.

Do you think Indian society is in a position to accept the freedom and
respect a woman deserves? Give your views

Do you think privatisation in sports helps to improve the situation of
sports in India? What should the government do for the same? What are
your suggestions to improve the level of participation and performance
in sports in India? Give your views.


Demographic Dividend is a mirage

Obsession with constant research by smartphone companies has had a
serious effect on our social life.

More autonomy for states will lead to growth of states


Business in India does not care about Democracy and Human rights. What
are the steps you recommend.

In most cultures marriages are an occasion for celebration .Do you
agree with this? Give your reasons for the same

A civilization can be measured by the care it has shown towards it's
least fortunate members. Is that a good yardstick?

Other IIMs Essay Topics

Essay - The young today, get so much too easily and in a short period
of time and that is detrimental to their future.
Essay Topic: Social networks like facebook are addictive and
detrimental to society
Essay Topic: Indian curriculum has less emphasis on sports/fitness
Essay : Individuals are bound by social and political norms and cannot
be truly free ,even in a democracy
Essay : Strong opposition party is required for a good governance
Essay : Hunger Strikes for a cause are now becoming a source of
blackmail & coercion.
Topic: Depiction of violence in media causes increased societal
tolerance for violence.
Essay Topic: Fears of global warming are exaggerated and are hindering progress
Topic - As a society, we must adopt e-books over print books.
Essay : The internet is an elite organization in a country where few
people know how to make a phone call.
Essay : The 4-0 whitewash in England and Australia show that world cup
win was a fluke
Essay : India should not participate in London Olympics till Dow
Chemicals is its sponsor
Topic: Mandatory employment quota for women and underprivileged groups
is doing more to the society than good.
Topic: right to live and death is one's personal matter and society
should not interfere with it.
Topic:- Medical tourism should be banned in India, as almost half of
the Indian population do not have access to primary health care
Topic: Indian films are all about vulgarity, violence, song and dance
& do not focus on relevant social issues
Topic: Excess use of Internet and Audio Visual Media is coming in the
way of Intellectual Enrichment

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