Saturday, 16 April 2016


47. The paragraph given below is followed by a question. Choose the most appropriate answer to the
People repeatedly complain that they see advertisements everywhere, but advertisers should not be
blamed for this. No one is forced to advertize his property - for many companies it is an important
part of their income. Football teams would have much less money if they were not sponsored. And
no one is forced to look at advertising - you can turn the TV off between shows, or just flick past
adverts in newspapers. If you don't want to see the adverts, then just ignore them.
Which of the following statements would weaken the above argument?
(a) Advertisers use many devious methods to get their message across.
(b) Some adverts today are even being hidden in what seem like pieces of art or public information
so people don't realize they are being marketed to.
(c) By targeting people's unconscious thoughts adverts are a form of brainwashing that take away
people's freedoms to make choices.
(d) Ignoring something that surrounds you all the time is not easy.

48. The paragraph given below is followed by a question. Choose the most appropriate answer to the
Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder defined as severe, self- inflicted starvation and loss in body
weight to at least 15% below that expected for the individual's sex and height. Anorexia is typically
associated with women and body image and is classified as a mental illness. Mortality varies
between 5% and 18%. Patients who are dangerously thin are sometimes force-fed through a nasogastric
(through the nose) tube. This force-feeding is undignified. The patient's right to refuse treatment
should be respected even if they are mentally ill.
Which of the following statements would weaken the above argument?
(a) In the case of mentally ill patients, their distorted perceptions of reality may render them unable
to make a choice.
(b) Many medical treatments are unpleasant or painful but they are necessary to preserve life.
(c) Medical ethics say that a doctor has a responsibility to keep the patient alive to administer
(d) Anorexics are characterized by self-denial and often do not come forward voluntarily.

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