Saturday, 16 April 2016


70. The main point from the author's view is that
(1) there is a need for a more balanced approach to conservation and livelihoods.
(2) basic livelihood activities should be considered "bona fide" and not "commercial".
(3) the effect of this widespread hostility because of the law may be more serious than it was in the
absence of the law.
(4) the anti-social elements will thrive under such laws.
(5) only large scale extraction should be banned.

71. The author's attitude as it is revealed in the language used is one of:
(1) Skepticism (2) Hostility (3) Criticism (4) Indifference (5) Scathing

72. According to the passage the ban would result in:
(1) affecting the produce. (2) rebounding on conservation.
(3) creating social stigma. (4) degrading the fauna.
(5) eroding the culture.